A Rockstar Support System

Hello, friends!


It has certainly been a wild couple of months and unfortunately, keeping up with my blog completely fell off my radar. But the good news is, I’m back and ready to go!

You may recall that my last blog was about reasons to be thankful this year and one of mine was for the rockstar support system that I am so fortunate to have all around me. So, today let’s chat about support systems.

Each of our support systems looks a little different based on those who we have chosen to walk beside through life. Maybe for you, your support system is a parent(s), sibling, friend, colleague, or partner. Or maybe you are lucky to have a huge support system and all of these categories apply to you – which is fantastic!

The key to a rockstar support system is choosing your people. This may sound a little harsh, but I promise you that it is so incredibly important. To be our best selves, we must be surrounded by people who will always challenge us to work towards becoming even better people. We all know those people that seem to be a little (or maybe even a lot) negative, make you frustrated, and bring you down.

Friends, let me tell you this. These are not your people.

Your people are the ones that bring out your best, encourage you to step outside your comfort zone, take the leap, pick you up when you fall – find these people! I promise you they exist, and they are also looking to find more overall positive people to spend their time with.

If you did read my last blog (which hopefully you did) you will have learned that for me, my support system is made up of my parents, my friends (you know who you are), my colleagues, and most importantly, my partner, Matt.

I did not just decide to expand on support systems this month out of the left field. I wanted to talk more about support systems because over the holidays I had one of those seriously life-changing moments that is completely relevant to this topic.

A relationship that started in 1999 as childhood friends growing up on the same road turned into being my person. It may have taken us some time to find our way back to each other after that childhood friend, but my partner, Matt, asked me to be his wife over the holidays. Of course, I said yes!

I bring this all together today because it can never be emphasized enough how important it is that you have a partner in life who is the lead singer of that rockstar support system of yours. I have had relationships in my past where that wasn’t necessarily the case and after having Matt as my biggest supporter for the last (almost) five years, I have learned that you must always be surrounded by positive people to succeed. With a strong partner, I am more confident, motivated, and determined to make the best of this life than ever before.

The lead singer of your support system can be whoever you want it to be but always make sure that if you have a partner in life, they keep you confident, motivated, and determined – because you deserve nothing less.

Go thank your support system! And give the greatest gift you can be being part of their support system as well. We are all on this crazy ride together. 



6 Reasons to be Thankful